Meet the Team


Owner and Head Practitioner

My name is jodie and I'm the owner and head practitioner at the beauty lab aesthetics & academy . 
For over 5 years i have been building peoples confidence through non surgical aesthetics procedures.
During this time I have become popular for my skill to reverse the years back, qiuite literally . Using a combination of advanced techniques and methods that i have crafted and developed along the way. I pride myself on high standards and the 'LESS IS MORE' approach. Subtly enhancing your natural beauty ,in a way that can be built up over time is KEY!
Through this ive built a truly magnificent client base of people who come back to me. Clients trust in me and the results we set out to achieve. By offering thorough consultations and realistic outcome plans, prior to treatment .
Having always been a creative person, this is something that extends into my work , and therefore I have an eye for creating outstanding results ,Unique to the individual.
Having now launched my academy !.. which is a natural progression of my experience , expertise ,hard work, dedication and passion !.
Im delighted to have formed the perfect collaboration of skilled talented & gifted women . Who each share the same level of enthusiasm towards educating, and training people to a competent standard ! before sending them off to inject clients .
Here at the beauty lab aesthetics we have created the perfect combination of courses designed for beginners and pre qualified practitioners alike
Designed to train you in stages, to master your craft in a way that doesn't require you to remember 20 different courses, all taught to you in one day .
It is my duty and responsibility, to ensure that every student that trains with me and my team , leave feeling confident to treat their own clients with ease.
We offer ongoing support once you qualify , and look forward to watching your new careers flourish . As you build your own empire in the ever growing , ever evolving and very lucrative beauty and aesthetics industry!x


Team Member

Nema is a trained nurse and anaesthesiologist at London's most prestigious private hospital. With over 8 years in the medical and aesthetics industry.